martes, 25 de agosto de 2009


I personally believe that this new transportation system is safer than the previous one. The old system (yellow buses) was very dangerous, all people always had thefts and drivers were inexperienced so we always had accidents. In general terms, this system is much better than the previous one, especially for the bus drivers, because now they are not expose to be working carrying the money. Although for people, at the beginning, it was difficult to get used it because the government didn’t do a good planning and neither a proper explanation of it. Due to this problem, these people had loads of troubles for understanding how to use new buses, was very tough especially for people living in suburbs.

Nowadays traveling for me is not a problem because I travel on bicycle everywhere, only at night I travel on Transantiago. A problem that has improved in a good way is paying with BIP card, a wonderful invention, but it is sometimes detrimental when the card is not inside your pocket.

After three years this system has improved a lot, time traveling has decreased and we have less contamination. It’s also better because the buses have different colors, everything is organized and ordered, the streets have more color, and the capital looks better.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009


Italy is the country I would like to know and live for a long time, are many things that attract me to that country. I like to live in Sicilia and experience the beauty of the mafia; discover how is the organization of these groups and the control they have in the country.

The culinary culture is another aspect that attracts me, I would learn to make traditional pizzas, to be an expert and then come here to Chile and transfer knowledge of the pizzas.

The above is my main interest but the football world is something I need to know, I like to play against young people who are of a good standard to make a comparison from Chilean and Italian players.

After being some time in the country and learn the language I would like to go to some lectures at the university to learn about the traditional European history, and learn more about the great Roman’s traditions.

Basically with this journey I would like to know more about Italy, how the Italian people are, how their culture is, how they relate and what the ways of living are.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009


Last semester was the worst. I had loads of modules that I didn't like. I needed to study a lot and due to this I didn't have time to do things I like, such as train with the football team of the school, chat with my friends, see my family and get a job. I was very stressed because I was supposed to earn money for a trip I wanted to do on winter vacations and I couldn't work as much as I wanted. At last I could get a very relaxed and good job doing Spanish lessons, which allowed me to had enough time to study. Also to relax I used to listen loads of music and occasionally on weekends I played football with my schoolmates.

The only thing I liked of last semester was “Structuralism” module, at the beginning I didn't have too many expectations, but the professor was very good and smart. I learnt more about the relationships between the people and the theories about them. Although the semester wasn't the best one I need to say I learnt interesting things about Polinesic culture, such as their travels through the ocean, their culture practices and identity.

I hope this semester is better than the last one. At least I'm more excited with the modules I took because they are related with my personal anthropology views. The best thing ever is I've got enough time to train with the football team. Also I'm happy with this English module, because I'll improve my speaking, reading and grammar, which are very important in my personal development and future job.