martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009


Our national team will attend to the World Cup South Africa 2010, was the first time that we win in official games played in the country of coffee (Colombia) against their football selection. With this victory Chile classified to the SOUTH AFRICA 2010 (the most important sport competition in the world).

This event is very important for Chile and for our continent, because we have proven to be good in this sport, everywhere people talk about it, is the topic required in every meeting. Also this team generates happyness and pride, because this players are people like us, they are a true reflection.

In this process is very important the technical, Marcelo Bielsa, he made a revolution in our soccer, he always tries to attack, passing above rivals, makes many goals, without speculate. Also he introduce discipline in a team which was characterized by acts of indiscipline and he teachs the value of hard work. Everyone is believing again in the national team.

I like the offensive players, they need to be focus and play well during all the match, one mistake and the work of all team can collapse, they can appear ten minutes, make a gol and be heroes. Some players that I like are: ALEXIS SANCHEZ, HUMBERTO SUAZO, and JORGE VALDIVIA, they are noted for being fast and effective.

I don't want to go to Southafrica because I prefer doing a barbeque in my home with my homies and my family. Thats the magic of watching the chilean matches.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009


Write about important challenges your discipline is currently facing, connected to each of the following areas:- Technology- Social Matters- Education- Define the challenges- Say how you think they should be resolved in each case- Mention the critical issues involved in each area- Word Count: 350

Mainly anthropology has little interest in using new technologies, especially in our university, teachers are afraid to incorporate new methods to teach students, this big problem is bad for them and for us, because they keep using the same tools they used twenty years ago, they stay in the past and blame us for them as well.

Must be able to require that new techniques are used to analyze society

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

ESSAY (1. Your experience learning English at the university / A general reflection)

We must recognize that learning English is an essential tool to face the world today, especially because we need a language to communicate and everything shows is English the most used language by people to discuss about business, make any official publication of any discipline, in our case anthropology, to mention only two of the most relevant. All this is due to globalization, which has as one of its objectives give us the possibility to communicate without problems in seconds and easily. In the university environment is essential manage English, specifically because the papers and researchs of the main universities are in English, and not understand this language can become a big problem.

In the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad de Chile are concerned to give importance to this essential point in the training of professionals. Disciplines such as anthropology, sociology and psychology have four English courses, from basics to advanced. The methodology used to train the students is pretty good whenever students want to learn and fulfill their duties.

Depends exclusively on the student if he wants to learn or unwilling to accept what they are teaching, because English teachers are usually willing to correct your mistakes and also encourage students to have skills in English, to speak, read and understand the language.

The purpose of careers in social sciences is to train professionals who are able to interpret and interact with people who speak the English language, this will give many opportunities in working life and professional, is for this that students are encourage to take advantage of English classes and depending on this, can apply for scholarships in universities abroad, but first must pass the English test, TOEFL.

I personally think that studying English has helped me to relate with people from United States and other countries, also helped me to express myself and they understand me, and I have had access to documents and publications of prestigious universities like Oxford’s and Harvard’s, among others who study topics that are of importance to me, like a indigenous communities and violence. Study English is essential in the twenty-first century depends solely on the desire to take and you want professional expectations for the future.

Everyone must decide what to do with their life and the way to contributes to the society, I personally think that if you are good with English will have many opportunities to meet people, have a better job and you may publish academic papers for everyone to read them.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009


Currently at the Faculty of Social Sciences can see that the basics have to feel fairly comfortable. This is because we have a computer room that was remodeled this year and also purchased new computers since before they were few. The courses are arranged as in the second floor there are smaller rooms that are in the career of anthropology, on the third floor are the sociology of race and finally, on the fourth floor are the psychology that are larger. The race has no education and usually occupies floor rooms anthropology.

One thing that should be improved urgently and is called "Library and Study Room" that really does not have the conditions for people to study in quiet. Poorly designed because first, people do not respect anyone and is common to see that students are most of the time shouting and talking, knowing that there are people who are trying to study. The tables are close together and space is very small, yet another thing I find funny is that when you ask a book, wait about five minutes and when you're going to give the person who yells your name so that it go to search.

The first step should be taken against the above is to create another room that is read only and that the current library will function as is, books that are requested and has tables that are assembled to study people in groups and scream , talk, to stick together, do what they want. That think it would be a good measure, the construction of an exclusive room for reading.

In general, I think the faculty is well built and has a feature that makes building campus Juan Gómez Millas, the only thing to change is the reading room, which would be a huge benefit for all who wish to study in quiet our second home and not have to go to the philosophy faculty.


Together with the Rural II anthropology course went to the fourth region, specifically near the city of Salamanca to five hours by bus from Santiago. We divided into four groups, I played very near Salamanca travel only 3 km, a small village called "Faro".

We had to go to that place to study the impact it has had on the lives of people associated with mining activity and also see how agriculture has declined, an activity that until fifteen years ago was the main in the area. Our study was intended to include the vision of youth and adults, because of course there are contrasts between the two age ranges.

Every morning we got up early to seize the day, so after breakfast, we took our bikes and started traveling to different areas that we believe could help us to do interviews and talk to people as possible. This time we did two focus groups in two schools in Salamanca one of middle class and a lower class, and we established many distinctions between what young people think and feel according to the school he attends.

We concluded that poor school youth want to stay in the area to work in something related to the mine, because that's what makes money easier, however children are better educated want to leave this city, studying in Viña del Mar or La Serena and on completion, want to return to their families and take them out of Salamanca, but say that they want to return every so often during the holidays.

This is important from the anthropological study because we know the impact of mining on the lives of people besides the expectations they have towards the future and that there is awareness of the damage being done in nature by mining young people with better education, however those without access to better education is not recognized as much damage in nature.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Chile classifies to the soccer worldcup, October 14th

Please elaborate on the following points:
1. Why is it relevant to Chile to have classified to the worldcup
2. Who are your favorite soccer players? Why do you like them.
3. What are you going to do for the worldcup. Would you like to go to South Africa?

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


Marked for death, the tattoo gang kids

Mara is the term that is known to gang youth in Central America, Mexico and the United States. Originating in Central America for the return of huge numbers of immigrants deported from the U.S. crime, transferred to recreate conditions at the national level, those conditions of marginalization, violence, crime and survival, learned and developed in the deportees in the various places in which managed to stay. To this are added the youth of marginalized social sectors, forming a social threat by the possible violence with which they act much outward as inward of these groups.

Basically a single Mara conforms with thousands of youth gangs known as cliques or cells that are characterized as:
1. Mara Salvatrucha (MS). The term is unique to Mara Mara Salvatrucha. The Mara Salvatrucha is also known in America as the MS-13.
With the increase in people returning each day, the social phenomenon was not only a national, regional also, so that by the early twenty-first century, in almost all Central America is known as "Maras" mainly to youth groups, whether type crime, organized crime or simply young neighborhood meetings with something in common.

Additionally the phenomenon is exacerbated since the introduction of drug consumption and wide crack, marijuana, or inhalants shoemakers glue, heroin and other, which are marketed and consumed in the country for these groups of gangsters.

Given that governments have exploited the situation politically, making electoral promises establishing plans to combat the Mara, as a tough plan, which adds another type of violence to existing socially in El Salvador, whose main components repressive are both in the legal, police and prison. Without attacking the root problem or social causes, politics, etc.. That originate from gangs.

The growth of gangs has its counterpart in the increase in remittances sent by Central Americans living abroad, which to date has become the main economic flow that sustains local economies and crime by shifting the main products of export of the contribution to GDP of the country.

They are also known to migrate to the U.S. and continue criminal activities into other countries, inadequacy and lack of education, in addition to wanting to achieve the American dream, in several countries carried out a wave of social rehabilitation programs promoted among others by former members of these gangs and their admission to cultural and sporting events to save them from the violent world in which they live and achieve social peace and contribute to growth and development of society in which they live.

Their main source of income, besides the U.S. remittances are the extortion of the population having a standard of living. Such extortions are compulsory and no reasonable negotiations, since the consequences are appalling.

Importantly, the fact that gangs, despite its origins in the battles between Mexican and Salvadoran immigrants in Los Angeles, and had its epicenter in El Salvador to be forcibly repatriated many delinquents by the U.S. government to end civil war in El Salvador in the early 90s, has spread in neighboring Guatemala and Honduras. In fact, in the latter, the situation of crime and violence revolving around gangs has increased to levels much higher than in El Salvador ... what do you think the idea?

Another mistake is to say that the Mara Salvatrucha was born in El Salvador and so is El Salvador. The MS was born in a suburb of Los Angeles, California, therefore is a U.S. gang. In the Mara Salvatrucha are Americans, Salvadorans, Ecuadorians, Hondurans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, Mexicans, although it is believed that its meaning is Satanic Mara. In the case of Honduras, the maras becomes a problem since the elimination of compulsory military service, later these became gangsters or thugs drug cartels who are paid their services to protect their cargoes, with drugs, then they marketed and consumed it within the camera is most addicted, and those who are behind the camera is difficult to leave, but the states of the region should undertake programs that attack the root of the problem: family disintegration, unemployment, education , work opportunities etc.

Young people from these gangs draw tattoos on their bodies to establish group membership. This can be seen from an anthropological point of view, because in various tribes especially in Africa and Oceania tattoos are required to distinguish individuals in relation to social status and hierarchy he occupies in this society. The case of the young gang is assimilated, as they tattooed their bodies to tell the story who have lived and this gives them recognition, the more tattoos you have on the body, has lived more stories. Using the tattoo gives paramount importance to youth gang members.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009


According to the latest poll, one of the most widely accepted presidential candidate is Sebastian Piñera, who is an economist, investor and politician. He was a republic’s senator between 1990 and 1998 presidential candidate in 2005 and was defeated in a run-off by Michelle Bachelet. Today is the representative of the right wing (coalition for change) and is part of the political party National Renewal.

Another candidate is Eduaro Frei Ruiz-Tagle, who is a civil engineer and chilean politician, son of the late president Eduardo Frei Montalva. He was president of Chile in the period between 1994 and 2000 and currently serves as senator representing "Los Rios" Region for the period 2006-2014. His presidential term was to seal the deepening of the model of open regionalism, so, Chile achieved associate membership to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) And began negotiations that led in the following government the signing of two separate treaties: free trade with countries like the U.S. and China and economies like the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Currently Frei is the presidential candidate of the ruling Coalition of Parties for Democracy of the current presidential elections. On April 5, 2009 Frei Ruiz-Tagle defeated Gomez senator, who is a member of the Radical Social Democratic Party, in primary elections organized to define a single candidate of the Coalition, the first one obtain 64% versus a 36% of Gomez.

Finally, it is Marco Enríquez-Ominami son of the historical leader of the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), the doctor Miguel Enriquez. His adoptive father is the senator Carlos Ominami. Until June 12, 2009 he played as a member of the Socialist Party of Chile, after this he left the Party to establish its independent candidacy for president of the republic of Chile 2009.

Personally none of these candidates represents me, but before a possible election of Piñera, anyway I prefer to vote for Frei, as at least he's got the experience to lead a country, however, I think Marco Enriquez-Ominami not have the capacity to lead a country , while Piñera is able to control firms, but not all Chileans.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009


There are many people living in Santiago who say they have nothing to visit, it is true, because they are accustomed to see the same thing, but for a foreigner the sites to be visited are:

Plaza Ñuñoa is a traditional place to go in Santiago; it offers several alternatives to have fun and knowing local people. There are wonderful restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs, and sometimes also music events. It is said to be a safe neighborhood where locals and tourists spend a great time with their friends.

City centre is one of the must of Santiago. If they want to see daily capital life I hardly recommend walking through the pedestrian path Paseo Ahumada until reaching Armas Square, here they can find shops, restaurants, cinemas, offices, and also they can see urban shows, typical street characters such as lustrabotas, hawkers, etcetera. From the square they can go walking to the presidential palace La Moneda and appreciate the typical architecture of the zone.
San Cristobal Hill is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Santiago. It is a great park placed in the middle of the city. You can go in the morning and go up walking, biking or jogging following the principal road, also for the adventurers there are alternatives dirt paths! and for the laziest there is a cable railway which take you to the top. In the hill there are places to do barbecue, city sights and in summer are available public swimming pools. On the top, there is an amazing view of almost the whole city (especially after a rainy day) also you can go to the restaurant.

Santa Lucía hill and craft market
I recommend to visit Santa Lucía hill because is a beautiful and traditional park placed near the city centre and also the place where Pedro de Valdivia founded the city in 1541. If you go at noon, you will hear the typical sound of the cannon.
After visiting the hill you can go to Santa Lucia craft market where you can find any kind of handicrafts and souvenirs.

Bellavista neighborhood
You can go either at day or night. At day you can see the typical architecture, go to Pablo Neruda’s house La Chascona or enjoy the food of the variety of its restaurants, also you can find handicrafts and souvenirs.
Bellavista is an epicenter of Santiago’s night life, it counts with loads of clubs and bars. I would recommend arriving at eve, walking around its streets, drinking a beer in one of the several bars and then enjoying in one of the clubs.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

The National Festivities

In Chile we celebrate national holidays, the week of Sept. 18, everyone agrees with many typical foods, dances and drinks like red wine and chicha.

This time I will be lucky to share with the people of the fourth region (Illapel and Salamanca), because we go there for a fieldwork with Rural Anthropology. I am excited because I'm quite sure that national holidays are much more typical there than here in Santiago, I was used to spend that week in the capital, and is kind of repeated to me.

In the north I hope to dance "cueca" - the traditional dance of Chile - with some lady that could teach me a little bit the very special footsteps. Of course it will be very fun and very interesting to share with the people and their customs. One of the things I most like in this period is that eat very often "asados" and "empanadas", these are typical dishes, the meat is first grilled and the second are masses of flour stuffed with minced meat, onion, olives and egg, are very rich.

I look forward to arriving after the 18th of September and I say goodbye with a VIVA CHILE MIERDA!!!

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009


I personally believe that this new transportation system is safer than the previous one. The old system (yellow buses) was very dangerous, all people always had thefts and drivers were inexperienced so we always had accidents. In general terms, this system is much better than the previous one, especially for the bus drivers, because now they are not expose to be working carrying the money. Although for people, at the beginning, it was difficult to get used it because the government didn’t do a good planning and neither a proper explanation of it. Due to this problem, these people had loads of troubles for understanding how to use new buses, was very tough especially for people living in suburbs.

Nowadays traveling for me is not a problem because I travel on bicycle everywhere, only at night I travel on Transantiago. A problem that has improved in a good way is paying with BIP card, a wonderful invention, but it is sometimes detrimental when the card is not inside your pocket.

After three years this system has improved a lot, time traveling has decreased and we have less contamination. It’s also better because the buses have different colors, everything is organized and ordered, the streets have more color, and the capital looks better.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009


Italy is the country I would like to know and live for a long time, are many things that attract me to that country. I like to live in Sicilia and experience the beauty of the mafia; discover how is the organization of these groups and the control they have in the country.

The culinary culture is another aspect that attracts me, I would learn to make traditional pizzas, to be an expert and then come here to Chile and transfer knowledge of the pizzas.

The above is my main interest but the football world is something I need to know, I like to play against young people who are of a good standard to make a comparison from Chilean and Italian players.

After being some time in the country and learn the language I would like to go to some lectures at the university to learn about the traditional European history, and learn more about the great Roman’s traditions.

Basically with this journey I would like to know more about Italy, how the Italian people are, how their culture is, how they relate and what the ways of living are.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009


Last semester was the worst. I had loads of modules that I didn't like. I needed to study a lot and due to this I didn't have time to do things I like, such as train with the football team of the school, chat with my friends, see my family and get a job. I was very stressed because I was supposed to earn money for a trip I wanted to do on winter vacations and I couldn't work as much as I wanted. At last I could get a very relaxed and good job doing Spanish lessons, which allowed me to had enough time to study. Also to relax I used to listen loads of music and occasionally on weekends I played football with my schoolmates.

The only thing I liked of last semester was “Structuralism” module, at the beginning I didn't have too many expectations, but the professor was very good and smart. I learnt more about the relationships between the people and the theories about them. Although the semester wasn't the best one I need to say I learnt interesting things about Polinesic culture, such as their travels through the ocean, their culture practices and identity.

I hope this semester is better than the last one. At least I'm more excited with the modules I took because they are related with my personal anthropology views. The best thing ever is I've got enough time to train with the football team. Also I'm happy with this English module, because I'll improve my speaking, reading and grammar, which are very important in my personal development and future job.